Developments in planning 

Murtholm, Langholm

Update on the progress of works at Murtholm Farm, Langholm

Loreburn are dedicated to delivering transformative projects that positively impact the communities we serve.

The Murtholm project holds immense potential to be a valuable addition to Langholm, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering a project on the site.

However, we must inform all stakeholders that the site enabling works which have been temporarily paused will remain so for the foreseeable future due to challenges in the negotiation process with key stakeholders. This is very disappointing, as many will be aware, Loreburn had planned to deliver the enabling works contract this year paving the way for development of future phases of housing on the site. 

Click here to read more

Selkirk Road, Moffat 

Please note that this is subject to change. 

The proposed development is intended to provide up to 31 x Extra Care Housing units along with common area / staff base + up to 44 x General Needs housing units.

The development is scheduled to be completed in two phases - the Extra Care housing being the first, followed by the general needs units.