Jane Connechen

Working as a Practice Manager in a large urban GP Practice, Jane quickly learned how important decent, safe and affordable housing is to health and well-being.  Through her work life and role as main carer for a close relative, Jane learned how invaluable good neighbours and a strong community are in enabling older and less able-bodied people to live as independently as possible in their own homes for as long as possible.  It was this experience that prompted Jane to join Loreburn’s Management Committee.  

Along with her educational background in business, social policy and human resource management and experience working with NHS Education as a vocational trainer and mentor, Jane brings a wealth of skills to Loreburn’s Management Committee.  These include an ability to think strategically, a good understanding of organisational culture and how to change it, how to motivate and develop staff and to use all our resources effectively - not just efficiently!  Jane has a strong interest in research and is currently participating in a project to design homes for healthy cognitive ageing.

Jane’s personal life has been very busy more recently as she's been sharing her home with her son and his young family and cocker spaniel whilst they look for a new home.